This was a game that I had previewed at PAX back in 2012 with our very own Joseph Christ and we came off rather positive. If you’re going to brave the rest of the mini games such as the racing or the Jedi combat, just breath deep, close your eyes and say to yourself: Lightsaber ON! Fable: The Journey The only redeeming mini game in the entire collection is the dance offs which feature such wonderful Star Wars themed parodies of modern music. Needlessly to say, it is about as attractive as Jar Jar Binks. It’s an abomination hewn from the efforts of several studios in an attempt to make a Kinect game based off of the scifi franchise. Who doesn’t like Star Wars? Well, you might not after playing this game. Since I was wearing black tights, armor made of cardboard and wielding a cardboard tube, it resulted in some rather amusing situations.

Outside of the hilarious one-to-one motion combat, the game features several in-game cutscenes that utilize the Kinect’s camera to put you, the player, into the scenery.

I knew the gist of the show and the basic idea behind it, but I was not prepared for what I experienced. I never watched the Power Rangers growing up, so I was at a complete loss with this game. Without further adieu, I present to you the best and worst games to come out for the Kinect in 2012. There were many surprises, both good and bad, that actually made the time, and lost brain cells, worth the effort. While my Friday nights had devolved into wearing depraved costumes, inebriation and yelling at the TV, I found some real gems for games using a peripheral people all have but discounted. It was a year of laughter, tears and shame as I exposed myself to the best and worst games for the Kinect.